Every year you pay for 100% of your yield potential. What percent do you get back?
Full-Service Ag Water Management
With a trusted advisor to help you navigate the complex ag water management decision making process, you can focus on the business of successful farming. This is how we work.
We’ve taken our more than 40 years of experience and combined it with the best university research and engineering resources to create a proprietary assessment tool that identifies the problem and starts a conversation about its solution.
Once the problems are identified and the farm goals are clearly understood, the planning process starts. Our detailed planning process is supported by our proprietary planning tool and undergoes three levels of review before reaching the construction team.
Over-cost-focused farms tend to select contractors who must bury mistakes to save time and money. Selecting a company that uses advanced technologies, best-in-class equipment, and a safe, well-trained team, isn’t an extra cost; it’s an investment.
Isn’t all drainage the same?
Drainage is based on complex engineering, proven means and methods, and expert construction practices. Selecting your contractor on price will inevitably select against these variables in favor of a contractor who knows that he can bury his mistakes to save time and money… So, are you cutting a cost or making an investment?
We deliver the following project types.
We’re not just a “drainage contractor.” We provide expert consultation based on more than 40 years of diverse planning and construction experience. These are the types of projects we deliver.
Tile Drainage
Stop invisible yield loss in its tracks. Drain excess soil water to plant sooner, grow faster, and harvest more.
Waterways & Drain Swales
Combat erosion and ponding with grassed and non-grassed waterways on your farm.
Large Diameter Drains
You can’t subsurface drain a large area or watershed without a large drain: mutual, individual, public or private.
Open Ditches
Without a maintained network of open ditches much of our drainage infrastructure would fail.
Controlled Tile Drainage
Limit nutrient loss from your field by controlling the timing and extent of subsurface drainage.
Dual-use Tile Drainage/Irrigation
Many soils that keep a high water table in the spring will maintain one in the summer if you add water.
Wood Chip Bioreactors
Remove nitrates from drainage water with a chamber of wood chips installed at the edge of a field.
Saturated Buffers
Divert drainage water through a saturated vegetated buffer strip to filter nutrients out of the water.
Lift Stations
If you don’t think you have an outlet for your drainage system, you’re probably wrong.
Specialty Trenching & Plowing
Whether your project calls for a special envelope, backfill or long-haul install, we are here to help.
Pond & Wetland Construction
Build the pond or wetland of your dreams. Create a habitat for wildlife and natural beauty.
Civil Utilities & Earthworks
Storm, sanitary, water, and earthworks for public and private clients. Our civil division has your project covered.
The process is simple.
1. Contact Us
Tell us about your farm and the issues you are dealing with.
2. Assessment
We’ll identify the root causes and propose solutions to address them.
3. Plan & Build
We’ll plan your project and build the system to project specifications.
4. Harvest More
After that, plant sooner, grow faster and harvest more… happily ever after.

Farm with confidence.
Farming requires confidence. The market, the weather, trade wars, consumer trends… you need confidence to survive. Work with an ag water management company that you know can get the job done right. Manage your water and your yields with confidence.